What Are The Basic Procedures And Tips to Clean Metal lockers?

When you have a lot many things to store and do not have a definite storage solution, you could end up cluttering the entire space. This is where a proper storage solution comes to the rescue. Talking about storage solutions, you have a lot many options that could be generously taken into consideration. Metal, wooden and plastic are the locker options that are trending on a majority basis. Depending on your needs and requirements you can very well choose the right storage solution.

An epitome of durability, that’s what a metal storage locker is known for. This would indeed be one of the best options when it comes to giving a place for storing things. Apart from this, it is also easy to be taken care of. Now, how do you take care of a metal storage solution? There are a lot many ways, methods and procedures. Let me walk you through the basic tips and procedures that will help you in looking after the maintenance of metal lockers.


7 Basic procedures that will help you in cleaning metal lockers :

1. Empty your locker before you begin the cleaning process :

Before you set to clean your metal storage locker you need to empty out all the things that have been stored in it. This will not only help you with the cleaning process, but will also assist you in segregating the useful things with all the things that are forming to be clutter.

2. Start wiping out the dust particles :

Once you have emptied your locker start with the cleaning process, section wise. You could either begin with the outer portion or you could start off with the inside portion. Start with cleaning out dry. You could make use of a cotton cloth or a tissue paper and start wiping the interiors of the locker. A wax-based veneer could also be used on its surface. Also, you could use a small brush to clear away all the tiny and rigid dust particles accumulated at the corners.

3. Use the right tools to clean a metal locker :

When cleaning a metal locker you need to be careful with the tools that you would be using so that they do not play a spoilsport to their shelf life. You can make use of disinfectant wipes or a soft cloth to clean out the lockers. The use of rubbing alcohol is also considered to be a good option. To conclude with, you can start over by wiping the entire storage locker with car wax. This will provide a shine to your metal lockers.

4. Start sorting things :

After you have finished wiping out the entire locker, your next step would be to segregate the things that you had set aside. When you have sorted things properly, it will help you in rearranging them back into the locker.

6. Fix up the hinges and locker latches :

While cleaning, it becomes equally important to tighten the connections of your metal locker so that you do not have to deal with the deterioration of locker. Also, do not leave out the latches when you are cleaning the metal locker. Here cleaning does not only mean to wipe away the dirt, it also means to check and fix up all the locker parts that equally contribute to its well-being.

5. How about keeping the odors away :

A closed locker could invite odors that sometimes may prove to be quite bad for your health. Here is one simple home remedy that when followed will help you in keeping your storage locker neat and clean in nature. Keep a packet of baking soda inside the locker so that they can ward off all the dirty odor. Also, you could make generous use of deodorizer to keep the bad stench or odor away.

7. Use the right locker accessories :

How about decorating the locker with the right accessories? Locker accessories are something that we all would love to indulge in. It not only adds to the decor, but also extends the locker’s functionalities. Locker hangers, hooks, magnet, small storage boxes, etc. are some of the examples of locker accessories that we could very well dive into. Do not hesitate to make the best use of locker accessories to improve the functionalities of your locker. Moreover, they play an important role in cleaning as well as bringing in a sense of discipline.

6 Do’s and Don’ts to clean your metal storage locker :

Above mentioned were some of the basic steps that will help you in cleaning the locker. Let me now take you through a few do’s and don’ts that will prove to be useful during the cleaning process.

1. Do not use abrasive cloths or materials to clean the lockers otherwise, you might end up losing out your locker’s shine too soon.

2. Do not use cleaners that contain hydrogen peroxide, methylene chloride, acid or acetone.

3. Do not forget to lubricate the hinges, frameworks, coat hooks or nuts and bolts from time and again.

4. Do remember to touch up all the tiny cracks and scratches so that they do not steal the locker’s elegance.

5. Do encourage periodic cleaning of metal lockers so that you do not have to end up cleaning stubborn dirt particles that would have been built up in the corners.

6. Do ensure that there is proper ventilation in the room where the locker is stored to avoid dampness as it tends to spoil the glory of your locker too soon.

Final Note :

Just like any other equipment a metal storage locker too needs proper care and attention to maintain its shelf life. The above-mentioned are some of the important tips, do’s and don’ts that will help you in looking after your metal storage lockers.

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